Security 2

Courses classes are Thursday form 9h45 to 11h15 online (the link is available on the moodle)

Online resurces


Course schedule

Week 1, 18 February: Overview

Suggested reading:

What Is Security Engineering

Week 2, 25 February: Attack Trees

Suggested reading:

Week 3, 4 March: free meal case study

Week 4, 11 March: Students presentations

During this class students will give short presentations of some attack trees they produce. Each presentation must include

Suggested reading

Week 5, 15 March (Matteo): Control Access Models

Bell LaPadula Model (MAC)

[The model preserves confidentiality but not integrity of data!]

State of a system

Suggested reading

Week 6, 22 March (Matteo): Chinese Wall

Chinese Wall or Brewer-Nash (DAC + Mandatory access)

Suggested reading

Week 7, 1 April (Ross Horne): Hardware security:

Spring break (week of the 5th of April)

Spring break

Week 8, 15 April (Sjouke Mauw): Intro to protocols

Week 9, 22 April (Ross Horne): students presentations on access control models

Week 10, 29 April (Sergiu Bursuc): Protocol verification inProverif

Week 11, 6 May (Semyon Yurkov): ePayment protocol proof in Proverif

Week 12, 13 May (Reynaldo Gil Pons): Mafia fraud proof in Proverif

Week 13, 20 May (Sergiu Bursuc): Advanced

Week 14, 27 May (Sergiu Bursuc): Advanced