import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main (String[] aurg) { String clearM = "INTRO TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING II"; System.out.println(clearM); String encrypM = null; int key = 7; encrypM = caesarEncoding(clearM, key); System.out.println("The encrypted message is = " + encrypM); System.out.println("Testing decription: "); caesarDecoding(encrypM,key); } //Encription function: // Take as input the clear message and the key // it returns the encrtypted message public static String caesarEncoding(String clearM, int key) { int[] uni = new int[clearM.length()]; int[] uniEn = new int[clearM.length()]; char[] chEn = new char[clearM.length()]; char[] ch = clearM.toCharArray(); // Encryption for (int i = 0; i