Welcome on my webpage!
I'm Matteo, a logician working in proof theory and its applications.I am a Lecturer in Computer Science at the FoSS group of the University of Sussex
(here a list of my past positions).

Keywords for topic of interest:
- Proof Theory: proof equivalence, non-commutative logic, modal logic, linear logic, game semantics;
- Graphical syntaxes: graphical proof theory, combinatorial proofs, proof nets, sting diagrams;
- Applications of Proof Theory: programming languages, proof certificates, formulas-as-processes, automated theorem provers, logic programming;
- Didactic of mathematics and computer science: new math, didactic workshop;
Recent papers:
I am generally happy to act as an external reviewer for papers which match my research interests, provided I can see other reviews and participate in the discussion after submitting my review.Teaching this way
Mathematics and Computer Science didactic and popularization:
I believe that the mathematics taught at school is outdated:
we mostly teach analysis from the 18th century pushing on the computational aspect instead of teaching mathematical reasoning.
At the same time computer science is often confused with learning
how to code in a programming language (or how to use the Office package).
I like to scout for new topics which can be adapted for
a problem-based learning
in mathematics and computer science to promote the teaching of logical reasoning.
My experiences with
the stages Hippocampes
and Liceo Matematico
confirm that another way to teach mathematics is possible:
you can teach goniometry using billiards,
automata theory while designing coffee machines,
group theory via tiling
a lot of other funny stuff!
The (unpublished) material I was able to produce in the past years can be found
including the poster produced by high-school students during the following
Hippocampe stages I directed at
Università Roma Tre
form 2016 to 2019.